
Data cleansing, analysis and implementation

Project Details

Project Team:
  • 2 Project Manager
  • Data Quality consultant
  • Implementation Lead/Business Analysis
  • Senior Software engineer

Business Registration and Trade Licensing in Dubai –DED




Abu Dhabi

  • IBM information server DataStage-
  • Quality Stage
  • Windows Server & 10
  • Manual data entry leads to data quality issues it is recommend and required to always count on automatic integration with MOI to fetch person information.
  • System user should be able to modify certain attributes only like email and mobile.
  • It is recommended to avoid the manual data entry for the vehicle information like plate number and chassis number.
  • Some of the person information is entered without any validation applied and wrong values are stored like mobile no with zeros or invalid email format.
  • Some mandatory person information is not collected nor stored like nationality, email, or mobile-no.
  • Person information is duplicated in the system; we can find multiple duplicate person records for the same person ID number.
  • System users have the ability to identify and merge duplicate persons, however, there could be a possibility to merge different persons by mistake which leads to a lot of complications and effort to recover the situation.
  • Data quality issues with list of countries/nationalities.
  • Blocked names check mechanism needs to be enhanced as sometimes it block name that partially include one of the blocked names like blocking AJMAN because it has AJA part of the word and AJA is supposed to the be blocked name.
  • When entering the organization English name, it should not be a direct translation for the Arabic name, it should be the English writing for the same Arabic pronunciation. 
  • Key address related information is missed for many licenses like Makani address number, street, and district name, lease contract start/end date.
  • Key required attributes like telephone number, mobile-no, email, nationality …etc. are either missing or incorrectly entered.
  • Some licenses are not marked as a branch while they are a branch for a main mother company.
  • Business name must be unique for the same industry, however there are duplicate names for the same industry
  • In case of running report 48 to fetch and process date for a long period like one month, we encounter a technical issue with the report as it’s not able to process, return, and export such big amount of data.
  • There is an observed issue related to inconsistency between different report runs. Running the same report against the same period may gave different results when executed multiple times by different users; although it’s reporting against the same period. 
  • Some key information is not displayed in the reports like center name, such issues are getting resolved after getting technical support.
  • There is a recommendation to enhance the data structure by adding new attributes. e.g. in addition to knowing licenses type (professional, industrial, commercial), There is licenses type called “Beginnings or Startups” while this should not be considered as a license type and a new attribute should be added to the data structure to host that value as license state or sub-status.
  • There are some licenses with legal type “Investment Company”, Investment company is not a legal company type, it’s an old type inherited from the old registration system and must be migrated.
  • It has been observed that some licenses are violating the below rules:
    • In the case of Individual companies, the owner must be UAE citizen.
    • In case of limited liability companies, a UAE Citizen must be one of the owners.
    • In case of limited partnership companies, UAE citizen must be the director.
solution brief

The Solution Brief of this service was the following:

  • Improving the quality of investors ’economic data and the licenses on the basis of which economic licensing transactions are completed.
  • In addition to evaluating the causes of current problems that cause data problems

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